Condensation and Precipitation

Concept Explanation

Condensation and Precipitation

Condensation and Precipitation:

Air always contains some amount of water vapour at a given temperature. When the temperature of air decreases, the capacity of air to hold water vapour also decreases, and vice versa. When the temperature of air falls below a certain temperature, the excess water vapour present in the air gets transformed into very small droplets of water. This process is called condensation and the temperature at which condensation takes place is called the dew point. For condensation to take place a surface is required. Such a surface is called the nucleus. Tree leaves, grass and dust particles in air are examples of nucleii around which condensation occurs. Condensation of water vapour leads to the formation of clouds, rain, snow, sleet and hailstone.

Clouds and Rain:

During the day, when water bodies (oceans, lakes, ponds, etc.) are heated up by the sun, a large amount of water goes into air as water vapour.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

When the temperature of air ______________________, the capacity of air to hold water vapour also decreases.

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Condensation of water vapour leads to the formation of clouds, __________________.

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

The temperature at which condensation takes place is called the _________________________.

Right Option : C
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